Life on Mars.
A Better Looking Planet.


Client – Life on Mars →
Design, Art Direction, Content Creation,
Social Media – Studio Home

LOM was founded on the belief that every decision we make is intrinsically tied to our impact on the planet. Fashion included. With that in mind, LOM set out to design the most fashionable, sustainably made, vegan ‘leather’ accessories.

Working closely with the client, we decided to move away from the often cliche sustainability space. Instead, we took a more high fashion approach and created a simple and sophisticated brand aesthetic.

The wordmark is elegant and simple. The letterforms have subtle organic cues, placing the identity in nature.



The LOM mark features the raised ‘O’ cradled between the other letterforms. This is symbolic of our beautiful planet and the need for us to nurture and protect it.


The double O mnemonic symbolises our connection to land. In an ever increasing ‘fast fashion’ world, we need to develop a closer relationship to this beautiful planet that we call ‘home’.

We created a typographic system that utilises the ‘OO’ mnemonic to add a deeper meaning of connection to the key messages. Love for craft and planet. Passion for beauty and sustainability.

A Better Looking Planet is an ethos that we truly believe in. It’s the reason we are so passionate and proud to be part of the Life On Mars brand journey.

Every detail of LOM’s plant-based, vegan ‘leather’ bags are carefully considered. Designs are tailored for today’s minimal lifestyle. Most importantly, sustainability is at the forefront of every design and business decision.

Our fresh approach to the sustainable fashion space allowed us to take a clean and graphic approach to all communications. Utilising white space and minimal typography to create a clean, contemporary aesthetic.

Being featured alongside Joseph & James at the Melbourne Fashion Week 2022, marked a milestone in the growth of the Life On Mars brand.

The website and collateral features a blend of fashion photography and images of nature. This is a visual storyline about finding harmony between our desire for beautiful things and the impact this can take on our planet.

Graphic imagery that sees human an natural form becoming one, encourages the viewer to consider their connection to self and nature.

“Studio Home created the LOM Australia identity from a simple brief – to create a sophisticated fashion brand that stands out in the sustainable space. We think they absolutely nailed it. They’re also a pleasure to work with, going above and beyond every time.”

Tina Funder, Founder

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