Good Sea Co.
Good For The Sea. Good For Us.


Client – Goolwa Pipi Co.
Design, Strategy, Packaging, Website – Studio Home
Food Photography – Jacqui Way
Lifestyle Photography – Allan Mawer
Development – He Wang
Illustration – Gerson Gilandry

Good Sea Co. are on a sustainable journey from ocean to plate. Using humble, often-overlooked fish varieties and cuts they have created a range of sustainable ready to heat meals, that are anything but humble in flavour.

The name is both a promise and a mission; Good is an active and intentional part of the business and is something that we feel aligned with. From the get go we knew that we needed to create an honest brand identity. To do this we used the asterisk*. A simple, yet powerful mnemonic that symbolises the GOOD things they do. When they say ‘GOOD’ they mean GOOD. And they are ready to back it up.

Wherever the asterisk is applied it is always backed up by a real-world, sustainbly ‘Good’ statement. Such as, the use of sustainably sourced pipis and mussels, the use of cuts that would otherwise go to waste and supporting local fishing families. It’s about being accountable and transparent in relation to the impact that Good Sea Co. has on our precious oceans.

We created the positioning ‘If it’s good for the sea, it’s good for us’ It’s a statement that encompasses the values of the brand. Prominently featured on all packaging and comms channels, it’s a sentiment that is incredibly important to the business.

We wanted to challenge the sustainable food category by creating a packaging design that is bold and energetic. Using colour and typographic treatment to create a distinctive style that demands shelf presence and stands apart from other convenience meal products.

Utilising metallic inks creates a balance between the freeform design style and the premium product.

In collaboration with Adelaide based photographer Jacqui Way we created a suite product imagery. The images are bright and vibrant, bringing to life the fresh ingredients.

We created a suite of illustrations in a traditional etching style. The illustrations are utilised on the back of the packaging to highlight the main ‘GOOD’ ingredient and those that can be used to elevate the dish.

The Good Sea Co. is proud to be associated with Adelaide based, food ambassador Mandy Hall. Mandy shares Good Sea Co’s passion for using sustainable produce to create glorious food.

To make the merch feel more personal for the wearer, a variation of the line was created. ‘If it’s good for the sea. It’s good for me’ becomes a personal statement as opposed to a brand message. This sentiment is paired with a fresh design aesthetic, creating a clothing range that is more than your standard branded collateral.

“To quote our customer at Costco, ’The Good Sea Co’. branding is the freshest thing I have seen in the category for quite some time’. It’s something we’re incredibly proud of.”

Molly McCormack, Project Manager, Good Sea Co.

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