Brand Identity –

Insurance, Unchanging.


Client – Evertas →
Identity & Website – Studio Home
Strategy – Jonathan Pangu
Editor/Animation – James Walker
Website Development – whiteGREY →

The first insurance company dedicated to cryptoassets, Evertas brings an unchanging approach to the new space of cryptoassets. They apply old principles to new risks. With the ultimate goal to help crypto realize its full potential, for everyone.

Working in close collaboration with strategist Jonathan Pangu, we positioned Evertas as ‘Insurance, Unchanging.’ Instead of connecting Evertas to a new, risky sector, we connected them to insurance, a sector that has supported progress and made the world fairer and safer for millenia.

The strong green bar mnemonic represents the solid foundation of understanding and intelligence that Evertas is built upon. New risks require a new model, this is why Evertas spent 4 years building an underwriting framework from the ground up.

When the green bar mnemonic is turned vertically it acts as protective barrier against the chaotic and oten unpredictable world of crypto.

To add impact and drama to the website, we created a video NFT that juxtaposes the often chaotic world of crypto with the calm, secure world that Evertas brings.

In a category oversaturated with corporate blues that lack energy, Evertas stands apart. The green signals a decisive new direction for the brand.

To avoid stock image cliches, we told our story visually through the use of NFTs. As well as creating an interesting user experience, it ensured that we embedded Evertas into crypto culture.

The website takes a fresh approach, challenging expectations of what an insurance website should look and sound like. Utilising negative space, video, illustration and culturally relevant imagery to create a contemporary and memorable experience.

The wildly energetic world of crypto has embedded itself into culture. We have positioned Evertas as a beacon of safety and trust in this new chaotic frontier.

In stark contrast to the category, the design language maintains an impactful, editorial feel. Allowing the energy of the brand to come through from the use of vibrant, culturally relevant imagery and animation.

“Jono and Gareth pushed to get the best outcome possible for us at every stage, and they’ve given us a platform that positions us for growth into a trillion dollar market.”

J.Gdanski, CEO, Evertas

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