
Demystifying Data


Client – CRYPTOX
Identity – Studio Home
Strategy – Miscible →

Clarofy ia a data visualisation platform for the mining and metallurgy industry. Their tools are designed to help non-data scientists understand their data, and derive unique and highly valuable insights about their operations.
The core strategic proposition ‘empowering users by demystifying data’ was created by Molly Patton from Miscible.

Complex data can be confusing. Sporadic data points can leave the user feeling overwhelmed and lacking direction. Based on the strategic platform we created a brand identity that illustrates Clarofy’s ability to distill the right data at the right time into its simplest form.

The triangle mnemonic is a symbol of the unity that is achieved when all data is distilled into its simplest form. The upward trajectory represents growth and progress.

We developed a robust visual identity anchored around the core graphic shapes. This includes a refined visual style and distinctive brand elements that translate across all products and channels.


The colour palette is underpinned by Clarofy Obsidian which acts as the anchor adding depth and professionalism. The Clarofy Gradient is the energetic soul of the brand. Standing out as a market leader, ready to continually evolve and improve.

The triangle mnemonic acts as a framing device that weaves through headlines and key messages, symbolising the support that customers experience when in partnership with Clarofy.

The proposed website design is one of a market leader. Confident language, bold imagery and a considered use of brand elements, create a visually engaging user experience.

Presentation documents for the Clarofy sales team are clean and considered. Clearly displaying key messages in a way that is engaging and impactful.

“Gareth is a huge asset to the Miscible team. His experience and expertise in taking our branding strategies and transforming them into beautiful, dynamic and engaging brands to help our clients (often start-ups) attract the right people and opportunities to get great ideas off the ground and out into the world.”

Molly Patton, Founder and Lead Strategist at Miscible Co

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